Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Officials to discuss Census participation

The army of U.S. Census Bureau will be finding out how many doors they will be kocking on to complete the nationwide survey. Census Director Robert Groves will announce how well Americans have responded by mail to this census that comes out once a decade, and how many homes will need to be contacted in order to complete the census. The Census Bureau announced that 72% of all households nationwide, returned the completed census. Midwestern states have the highest participation rates, with Minnesota at 79%. It costs the government 42 cents for each response that comes back in the mail, and costs the government about $57 per household to get the responses in person. The bureau is now hiring an about 870,000 temporary workers to help complete the census.

I think that it is interesting to see the percentage of people that fill the cenus and mail it back in. It doesn't suprise me that Minnesota's return rate is at 79%, because most Minnesotans are pretty resposible with things like that, and truely care. It is a shame tht some people don't take a few minutes out of thier day to fill out the census. It would actually save people money in the long run because it would cost the government less money, and tax the taxpayers less. I can't belive how much effort is put into this once a decade census. It is pretty cool how serious the Census Bureae takes the census , and how they srtrive to have an accurate census. I honestly wish that everyone would just turn in their census, so that the bureae won't have to come after people. That would make things a lot easier for everyone.

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