Friday, May 7, 2010

Ireland reopens airports after brief shutdown

On Friday, after shutting Irish airports down for several hours because of ash from an Icelandic volcano, Irish authorities reopened the airports. It had been the third time in four days that some airports in Ireland had to be shut down due to volcanic ash. The IAA said, "While the northerly winds are keeping the bulk of the cloud out in the Atlantic, the increased size of the cloud continues to pose a risk especially if the winds change." The Eyjafjallajokull volcano that had erupted last month had been expelling denser ash into the air since Tuesday afternoon. This ash is being carried form Iceland towards Ireland, causing many flight problems. Volcanic ash is a serious problem because it reduces visibility for air crafts and can damage flight controls which can cause the airplanes to crash. The volcanic ash ultimately stranded tens of thousands of passengers around the world.

I did not know that volcanic ash could be such a hazard for the airplanes. I was shocked to read that the ash could cause so many problems. Quiet honestly I did not even know that there were volcanoes in Ireland. It is crazy how ash can cause such problems and cause flights to be delayed. I wish I could see how thick the ash actually is, so I could understand how it effects the aircrafts. I also which the atricle gave more information about the size of the volcanoe and more numbers kind of information. Also, I was suprised that the volcanic ash can linger in the air for days and days. I did not know that it could be around for that long. It is crazy how thick the ash actually is and also how dangerous it can be.

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