Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Insurers agree to comply with intent of new health care law

Health Care Blog:

Insurers and providers of health care said that they would agree to comply with the new regulations that will prevent the denial of coverage for children due to pre-existing conditions. This is a key component for President Obama. The president of America's Health Insurance Plans, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, said the nation's insurance companies would not try to find loopholes in the new health care law. The industry would fully agree to regulations being drafted by Sebelius to follow the new law. Coverage for kids takes effect on September 23.

I think that it is a good thing that the health care insurers are saying that they will follow the new health care plan and whatever it entails. I'm mot really sure if the health care bill is the best idea, however. I think that with kids being on their parents health care plan is good because that way it will take a burden off of them after college so that they won' t have to worry about more debt. Also, kids can have time to regroup after college and save up more money for the future. But I also think that kids will become more dependent on their parents and maybe expect them to pay for more of their things. The health care bill will effect many people, and I hope that it will be for the better. I truly hope that it won't be a disaster and that everything will turn out okay.

Autopsy: SeaWorld trainer died from drowning, traumatic injuries

After an autopsy, it was confirmed that a 12,000 pound killer whale drowned the trainer, Dawn Brancheau at Sea World in Orlando, Florida. The killer whale puller her underwater drowning her, she also suffered from injuries to her spine, ribs and head. Brancheau was working with whale, Tilikum, when he grabbed he by the ponytail and drug her under the water. It shocked the audience watching the show at the park's Shamu Stadium.

I think it is very sad what happened to the trainer. I don't understand why the whale would act like that. I've heard a few things about the whale pertaining to the drowning. Some sources have said that the whale has been in a bad mood, and was especially off that say. Other sources have said that the whale was thinking it was playing with the trainer. I never realized how risky a job like that would be. I find it just crazy how a trained whale would kill someone! I hope that the whale doesn't interact with any other trainers, and harm any of them. I know that the trainers at Sea World are ecpecially taking caution and paying closer attention to the whale's behavior. I went to Sea World about a week after this accident happened, and noticed that all the female trainers had their hair in a tight bun during the show. How wierd.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Colombian soldier held hostage is freed

Joshue Daniel Calvo was released Sunday after being held by Columbian rebels for over 11 months. He reunited with his family in the city of Villasicencio where the helicopter he was riding in landed. Calvo, a young soldier, was released to a humanitarian mission led by Colombian Sen Piedaid Cordoba. Calvo became sick on the helicopter ride and became very dizzy, and therefore greeted his familyh with the help of a walking stick. He was very happy to be back with his family. Cordoba hopes that the FARC will release another hostage on Tuesday.

I think it is very sad that Colombian soldier are being held hosatge for a long period of time. I can't even begin to image what the families would go through while their soldier is being held hostage. It is a very disturbing event for the soldiers and families to go through. I am very glad that Calvo was released and reunited with his family. They must all be very thankful and happy. Mentally, the hostage must go through a great deal. I feel very bad through what they go through. It must be so hard. I hope very much that more hostages will be released because that would make many more families of these soldiers happy.

Calvo with his family after release

Friday, March 26, 2010

Second NBA player pleads guilty in gun case

Point guard Gilbert Arenas for the Washington Wizards will be sentenced on Friday for violating gun laws in the District of Columbia. Arenas pleaded guilty for bringing guns into the Wizards lockerroom because of a disput with teammate Jarvaris Crittenton. Arenas was suspended from being in the NBA this season. Arenas lawyer says that he is a good role model and that he has been punished enough through public scorn and loss of income. Judge Robert Morin said that he could decide to give Arenas five years in jail , which is the maximum term for Arenas' crime.

I think that it is kind of rediculous that an NBA professional basketball player would carry weapons in his lockerroom. I don't understand how someone that could get so far in his basketball career and became so successful would do something so stupid. What Arenas did was very wrong. He risked a whole NBA season for his stupidity. I don't think his head is srait because any sain and normal person would know that carrying guns out in public manner like that is completley wrong. I think that Arenas lawyer is also wrong, Arenas is not a good role model, and kids should not be looking up to someone who threats others with weapons. I hope that Arenas does go to jail for this because he deserves it for his stupidity. Overall, kids shouldn't be looking up to him in the NBA.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Texas lawmaker: I yelled 'It's a baby killer'

Texas Rep. Randy Neugebauer admitted to calling out "baby killer" during the chamber's debate Sunday night on the health care reform bill. He apologized Monday for his outburst. He says that he said "its a baby killer" in reference to the last-minute deal between Michigan Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak and the White House that secured the support of Stupak and other anti-abortion Democrats for the health care bill. His interruption occurred while Stupak was giving a speech. Neugebauer says, "The House Chamber is a place of decorum and respect. The timing and tone of my comment last night was inappropriate." This incident is similar to Rep. Joe Wilsons outburst during Obama's health care speech in September.

I think that Randy Neugebauer's comment was unneccesary. Like he said, it was the wrong place and time for the comment, and that the House Chamber is a place of respect. He could have held in his comment instead of drawing nationwide attention to himself. What he did was prety rude and embarrasing on his part. However, I appreciate his apologies and I think that they are very sincere and meaningfull. I can understand how heated a subject can get and sometimes people say things that they don't honestly mean and wish they could take back what they said. Neugebauer's comment was kind of understandable, but he really needs to learn how to control his anger and outbursts. Overall, his comment was disrespectful and unappropriate.

Randy Neugebauer

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Racial Comment in Wal-Mart

In Atlantic County, New Jersey, police arrested a sixteen year old boy for making an inappropriate racial comment in a Wal-Mart store. Apparently the sixteen year old boy got access to the public-address system(the intercom) and said, "All blacks need to leave the store." The store management then contacted police for investigation. The boy was arrested on bias intimidation and harassment charges. The Wal-Mart company "is just as appalled as anyone" according to Wal-Mart corporate spokesman Lorenzo Lopez. Wal-Mart is now limiting the public address system to smaller amounts of in-store telephones.

I think that it is so sad that someone would come in over the intercom and say something like that for everyone in the store to hear. It really is unacceptable, however it still goes to show that there is still racism in our country yet today. Racism is still a very big issue and there are still acts of discrimination this day and age. This article made me open my eyes a little more because it made me realize how discriminatory some people in our country still are today. I guess I just wouldn't expect something like this to happen. Even though our country has come a long ways in not descriminating as much (having a black president), there are still people out there where race and discrimination is a factor. I think that what that teenage boy did was a shame, and he had no reason for his actions. It is truely sad that a boy so young could have that much hatred towards black people. It really is unacceptable.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fast food chains face tomato famine

A winter freeze that ruins Florida's tomato supply has many fast food restaurants scrambling to find another tomato source. 60% to 70% of Florida's tomato crop was destroyed, and Florida produces 75% of U.S. tomatoes. Because of this shortage of tomatoes, prices have increased dramatically. Fast food chains are now looking elsewhere for their tomato source like Mexico and California. Wendy's is only putting tomatoes on burgers and sandwiches upon request. Other restaurants are cutting tomatoes from the menu all around.

It it really a shame that Florida has had a freeze the last couple a weeks, which has destroyed the tomato crop. It is unusual to have that low of temperatures for Florida, and is bad for much of the agriculture there. I don't think the tomatoes will have a very huge impact on fast food restaurants. Even though the burgers will be tomato- less for awhile, I don't think that people going to stop going to the fast food restaurants. I think that people will be very understanding. Hopefully, many of the fast food restaurants will be able to find other sources for their tomatoes. This will be a great opportunity for Mexico and California's agriculture industry to make more profit.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rapper Lil' Wayne sentenced to one year

At Manhattan Supreme Court on Monday, rapper Lil' Wayne was sentenced to one year in prison. He was arrested for having a .40- caliber pistol on his tour bus. The charges stem from his arrest in 2007 outside New York City's Beacon Theater. Lil' Wayne's sentencing was delayed twice, once for dental work, and the other because of a fire at the Manhattan courthouse. Lil' Wayne, legal name Dwayne Carter, also faces felony charges for drug and weapon possessions in Arizona. His latest album, "Rebirth", was released last month.

I am a big fan of Lil' Wayne's music and I am really disappointed that he is going to prison for a year. I don't understand the meaning behind his actions. It is hard to believe that a sucessful artist like him would be going to prision for such stupid actions on his part. Despite his actions, I don't forsee Lil' Wayne losing many of his fans. I think that he let down some people, but I think that many people will still listen to his music, and will be looking forward to his release from prison in a year. I really hope that Lil' Wayne will learn from his mistakes because I would hate to see him in prision again. He has too much talent to be sitting in prison, and his fans love him and want him to keep producing new songs.

Lil Wayne