Monday, March 22, 2010

Texas lawmaker: I yelled 'It's a baby killer'

Texas Rep. Randy Neugebauer admitted to calling out "baby killer" during the chamber's debate Sunday night on the health care reform bill. He apologized Monday for his outburst. He says that he said "its a baby killer" in reference to the last-minute deal between Michigan Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak and the White House that secured the support of Stupak and other anti-abortion Democrats for the health care bill. His interruption occurred while Stupak was giving a speech. Neugebauer says, "The House Chamber is a place of decorum and respect. The timing and tone of my comment last night was inappropriate." This incident is similar to Rep. Joe Wilsons outburst during Obama's health care speech in September.

I think that Randy Neugebauer's comment was unneccesary. Like he said, it was the wrong place and time for the comment, and that the House Chamber is a place of respect. He could have held in his comment instead of drawing nationwide attention to himself. What he did was prety rude and embarrasing on his part. However, I appreciate his apologies and I think that they are very sincere and meaningfull. I can understand how heated a subject can get and sometimes people say things that they don't honestly mean and wish they could take back what they said. Neugebauer's comment was kind of understandable, but he really needs to learn how to control his anger and outbursts. Overall, his comment was disrespectful and unappropriate.

Randy Neugebauer

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