Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Indiana town working day and night for Michael Jackson museum

In Gary, Indiana, the mayor along with Joe Jackson wants to make a move forward and bring a performing arts center and museum in honor of Micheal Jackson in the town. Mayor Clay has suggested that the project has potential to bring 500,000 to 750,000 visitors to the town and bring in income of $100-150 million dollars to the community. Also, the project will generate hundreds of construction and full-time jobs. All ten of the Jackson children were born in Gary, Indiana. There two bedroom home at 2300 Jackson Street is still a shrine for tourists to see. Micheal Jackson died on June 25, 2009.

I think that a museam and performing arts center should deffinitly be built in honor of Micheal Jackson. He is a legend and it would only make sense for something to be built for him in his home town. I think that it is great that this project would generate many jobs. With the unemployment rate at 10%, many people in the area of Gary would probably really appretiate the job opportunities. It would also bring in money for the community and the economy. Overall, I hope that this project goes through beacause it would be really interesting to see the results and see all of Micheal Jacksons glory in a museam. Im sure that very many people would go to Gary to visit the museum.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Tropical storm leaves more than 100 dead in Central America

The office of Guatemala's president handed out this aerial view of a crater that opened up after Agatha hit

After a tropical storm hit in Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador over the weekend, at least 115 people have died. Guatemala was hit the hardest with about 92 deaths. Nearly 112,000 people have been evacuated and more than 29,000 are living in temporary shelters. This has been a devastating catastrophe for Guatemala and has destroyed many homes. Rivers have risen to high level, destroying bridges. School classes have been canceled this week throughout the nation. More rain was possibly forecast for Monday. Agatha was determined from a tropical storm to a tropical depression Saturday night and lost its status as a depression Sunday evening. Agatha was the first named storm for the Pacific hurricane season. The Atlantic hurricane season starts on Tuesday.

I am always shocked as to how much damage these tropical storms can do. They are so powerful, and I am very thankful that I do not live in a region where I am effected by the damages of tropical storms. It is crazy how many deaths there were, even when the storm was not even that large. It is a shame that the tropical storm has to do so much damage to countries like Guatemala, who really don't need more damage and poverty. I feel very sorry for all of the people that have evacuated their homes and had their homes destroyed. Hopefully the Hurricane season sill not be bad this year, but it possibly could be with global warming in effect. It is a shame many of these catastrophes throughout our world are happening due to global warming. The storms are getting bigger and bigger.

Article Link

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Passenger who was locked in empty plane sues airlines

A women from Michigan woke up on an airplane, only to find herself locked in the airplane. She filed a lawsuit Thursday against United Airlines and a partner airline. The 36 year old women spent about four hours in the plane until she was found by a cleaning crew. "Waking up on an empty airplane and not being able to get out was very horrifying. It's a very dramatic word, but it was a little much," said MiGuire, the women. The United Airlines and Trans States Airlines are investing the incident. McGuire is would like between $25,000 and $75,000 in the suit for her emotional distress and other factors. The Airlines are especially checking on the airline stewardess that was suppose to check the aircraft after landing, obviously the procedure wasn't followed.

I honestly couldn't even imagine waking up to find myself locked in an airplane. I would have probably panicked a little bit, but then found it actually pretty funny. I don't know if I would have been so upset to the point of filing a lawsuit. I think that the women wants the money for unnecessary reasons. I also don't understand why she would get stuck for four hours. I would think that she would have a cell phone to call somebody. Although I was shocked that the airline stewardess did not notice the women before everyone was done getting off the plane, mabey she just forgot to check. But as far as I am concered, it is the womens own fault. If kids are sleeping on a bus and they miss their spot, they dont get dropped off. She has no excuse, and she shouldn't file a lawsuit. She could have purposly hide herself so she could come up with a lawsuit like this.

Article Link

Monday, May 10, 2010

Western troops join Russia's Victory Day parade

Troops from the United States, Britain and France marched in the annual Victory Day parade through Red Square for the first time ever on Sunday. The Victory Day parade celebrates the defeat of Nazi Germany by the Soviet Union and its Western allies. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said, "is indicative of our solidarity, and of the understanding that universal humanistic values are becoming increasingly important for the development of the modern world."Over 10,500 troops paraded through the capital this year. Many Russians watched the parade on television. More than half of Russians also approved the invitation of foreign troops, according to a poll by the independent Levada Center. And 20 percent of Russians they disapproved of inviting international troops to the parade, and 8 percent were strongly against it. During WWII, the Soviet Union suffered the most losses of any other country, with 7.5 million soldiers killed and 5 million wounded, and millions of civilian deaths.

I think that it is really interesting that Russia would invite so many countries to celebrate their Victory Day celebration. I was surprised that Russia is still pretty accepting of the United States and other countries as well. Looking at some pictures from the celebration, I could not believe how many soldiers were there from all of the different countries. It is nice how they can all come together to celebrate the defeat of Nazi Germany to this day. I like how we can all come together and celebrate with a big parade. I wonder if many of the Russians hated how America was there, and what their reactions were when we arrived. I hope that someday, all of the countries will accept each other and live in a world of peace.

Article Link

Friday, May 7, 2010

Ireland reopens airports after brief shutdown

On Friday, after shutting Irish airports down for several hours because of ash from an Icelandic volcano, Irish authorities reopened the airports. It had been the third time in four days that some airports in Ireland had to be shut down due to volcanic ash. The IAA said, "While the northerly winds are keeping the bulk of the cloud out in the Atlantic, the increased size of the cloud continues to pose a risk especially if the winds change." The Eyjafjallajokull volcano that had erupted last month had been expelling denser ash into the air since Tuesday afternoon. This ash is being carried form Iceland towards Ireland, causing many flight problems. Volcanic ash is a serious problem because it reduces visibility for air crafts and can damage flight controls which can cause the airplanes to crash. The volcanic ash ultimately stranded tens of thousands of passengers around the world.

I did not know that volcanic ash could be such a hazard for the airplanes. I was shocked to read that the ash could cause so many problems. Quiet honestly I did not even know that there were volcanoes in Ireland. It is crazy how ash can cause such problems and cause flights to be delayed. I wish I could see how thick the ash actually is, so I could understand how it effects the aircrafts. I also which the atricle gave more information about the size of the volcanoe and more numbers kind of information. Also, I was suprised that the volcanic ash can linger in the air for days and days. I did not know that it could be around for that long. It is crazy how thick the ash actually is and also how dangerous it can be.

Article Link

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Issue #2: Boosting the Minimum

1. Many Americans argue that boosting the minimum wage from $5.15 an hour to $7.25 an hour is a good thing for the economy and will help bring more people out of poverty. They think that with the help of food stamps, EITC, and the minimum wage at $7.25, many people will be able to rise above the poverty threshold. They also believe that raising the minimum wage will positively effect groups like single mothers, who are at a risk of ongoing poverty. Also, that by more people having more money, this will help the economy because those people will have money to spend. On the other hand, some people disagree with raising the minimum wage. They think that raising minimum wage is only affecting a small percentage of the workforce, and mostly targets teens, not necessarily people in poverty. They also say that this will lead to higher prices on business products will lead to more job cuts, which will hurt business and overall more low- income workers. Instead, they say that the EITC program should be extended, because this wouldn't interfere with the market.

2. I believe that the minimum wage hike is actually hurting more people that it is helping. With business' having to pay their employees more, they have to increase their prices on products on order to make a profitable income. With this, I think that Americans are actually buying less products, which leads to unnecessary employees, and therefore business's are firing more low- income employees. Overall, this is just hurting our economy, beacause less money is actually being spent by the low-income people. Professor Stiglitz also disagrees with raising minimum wage saying, "If government attempts to raise the miminum wage higher than the equilibrium wage, the demand for workers will be reduced and the supply increased. There will be an excess supply of labor."


Friday, April 30, 2010

Report: 5 children injured in China school attack

State media reported on Friday, that a man attacked five preschool children with a hammer in east China, before setting himself on fire. The man poured gasoline over himself while holding two children in his arms. Teachers were able to pull the children away from the man. All five children were hospitalized, but will not die. Following this incident, there have been three other attacks similar to this in China. On Thursday, a man attacked 28 children with a knife in east China. Police have arrested a 47 year old suspect. The Chinease officials have are doing many things to ensure saftey. Some schools are now hiring guards to escort students to and from classes.

I think that the man who is attacking all of these school children is deffinitaly mad. What kind of crazy person attacks kids with knifes and hammers. I would be very scared if I were a student going to school in east China right now. However, it is good that the schools are increasing thier security to ensure the childrens saftey. I really hope that police can get a hold of this mad man. Im not really sure that I would even go to school in east China right now. That is a lot of attacks in a short period of time. I would be nervous that my school would be the next target. Overall I think that this crazy killer man needs to be caught and I think that he does not deserve to live anymore after these attacks on innocent children.

Article Link

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Officials to discuss Census participation

The army of U.S. Census Bureau will be finding out how many doors they will be kocking on to complete the nationwide survey. Census Director Robert Groves will announce how well Americans have responded by mail to this census that comes out once a decade, and how many homes will need to be contacted in order to complete the census. The Census Bureau announced that 72% of all households nationwide, returned the completed census. Midwestern states have the highest participation rates, with Minnesota at 79%. It costs the government 42 cents for each response that comes back in the mail, and costs the government about $57 per household to get the responses in person. The bureau is now hiring an about 870,000 temporary workers to help complete the census.

I think that it is interesting to see the percentage of people that fill the cenus and mail it back in. It doesn't suprise me that Minnesota's return rate is at 79%, because most Minnesotans are pretty resposible with things like that, and truely care. It is a shame tht some people don't take a few minutes out of thier day to fill out the census. It would actually save people money in the long run because it would cost the government less money, and tax the taxpayers less. I can't belive how much effort is put into this once a decade census. It is pretty cool how serious the Census Bureae takes the census , and how they srtrive to have an accurate census. I honestly wish that everyone would just turn in their census, so that the bureae won't have to come after people. That would make things a lot easier for everyone.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Russia suspends U.S. adoptions

Russia has stoped the adoption of children by American families process until they work out a further agreement. The U.S Embassy in Moscow, Russia says that there is not too much to worry about. John Beyrle, U.S. ambassador to Russia, says , "We're working on this and we really don't think that this will have any long-term effect on the ability of American families to adopt here." This all started when an American family returned their adopted back to Russia, beacause they said that the child was violent and had pyschopathic issues, and that the child was a danger to the family. The Russian child was sent back to Russia, riding solo on the plane. Russian officials want to sign a treaty with Amerians allow monitoring of children after they are brought to the United States.

I think that Russia should let American's adopt the children in Russia still, because they will have a much better life in America, than they would have in Russia. I don't foresee this being a major problem. I think the Russians will let American families adopt again. I don't really think that what that American family did to their Russian child was the right thing to do, however, I don't think that Russia should stop the adoption process because of it. If American families wast to adopt the kids in Russia, they should deal with them, and not send them back. They really should try and work through the adversity and try to make the child better, if it is not what they expected.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Insurers agree to comply with intent of new health care law

Health Care Blog:

Insurers and providers of health care said that they would agree to comply with the new regulations that will prevent the denial of coverage for children due to pre-existing conditions. This is a key component for President Obama. The president of America's Health Insurance Plans, Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, said the nation's insurance companies would not try to find loopholes in the new health care law. The industry would fully agree to regulations being drafted by Sebelius to follow the new law. Coverage for kids takes effect on September 23.

I think that it is a good thing that the health care insurers are saying that they will follow the new health care plan and whatever it entails. I'm mot really sure if the health care bill is the best idea, however. I think that with kids being on their parents health care plan is good because that way it will take a burden off of them after college so that they won' t have to worry about more debt. Also, kids can have time to regroup after college and save up more money for the future. But I also think that kids will become more dependent on their parents and maybe expect them to pay for more of their things. The health care bill will effect many people, and I hope that it will be for the better. I truly hope that it won't be a disaster and that everything will turn out okay.

Autopsy: SeaWorld trainer died from drowning, traumatic injuries

After an autopsy, it was confirmed that a 12,000 pound killer whale drowned the trainer, Dawn Brancheau at Sea World in Orlando, Florida. The killer whale puller her underwater drowning her, she also suffered from injuries to her spine, ribs and head. Brancheau was working with whale, Tilikum, when he grabbed he by the ponytail and drug her under the water. It shocked the audience watching the show at the park's Shamu Stadium.

I think it is very sad what happened to the trainer. I don't understand why the whale would act like that. I've heard a few things about the whale pertaining to the drowning. Some sources have said that the whale has been in a bad mood, and was especially off that say. Other sources have said that the whale was thinking it was playing with the trainer. I never realized how risky a job like that would be. I find it just crazy how a trained whale would kill someone! I hope that the whale doesn't interact with any other trainers, and harm any of them. I know that the trainers at Sea World are ecpecially taking caution and paying closer attention to the whale's behavior. I went to Sea World about a week after this accident happened, and noticed that all the female trainers had their hair in a tight bun during the show. How wierd.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Colombian soldier held hostage is freed

Joshue Daniel Calvo was released Sunday after being held by Columbian rebels for over 11 months. He reunited with his family in the city of Villasicencio where the helicopter he was riding in landed. Calvo, a young soldier, was released to a humanitarian mission led by Colombian Sen Piedaid Cordoba. Calvo became sick on the helicopter ride and became very dizzy, and therefore greeted his familyh with the help of a walking stick. He was very happy to be back with his family. Cordoba hopes that the FARC will release another hostage on Tuesday.

I think it is very sad that Colombian soldier are being held hosatge for a long period of time. I can't even begin to image what the families would go through while their soldier is being held hostage. It is a very disturbing event for the soldiers and families to go through. I am very glad that Calvo was released and reunited with his family. They must all be very thankful and happy. Mentally, the hostage must go through a great deal. I feel very bad through what they go through. It must be so hard. I hope very much that more hostages will be released because that would make many more families of these soldiers happy.

Calvo with his family after release

Friday, March 26, 2010

Second NBA player pleads guilty in gun case

Point guard Gilbert Arenas for the Washington Wizards will be sentenced on Friday for violating gun laws in the District of Columbia. Arenas pleaded guilty for bringing guns into the Wizards lockerroom because of a disput with teammate Jarvaris Crittenton. Arenas was suspended from being in the NBA this season. Arenas lawyer says that he is a good role model and that he has been punished enough through public scorn and loss of income. Judge Robert Morin said that he could decide to give Arenas five years in jail , which is the maximum term for Arenas' crime.

I think that it is kind of rediculous that an NBA professional basketball player would carry weapons in his lockerroom. I don't understand how someone that could get so far in his basketball career and became so successful would do something so stupid. What Arenas did was very wrong. He risked a whole NBA season for his stupidity. I don't think his head is srait because any sain and normal person would know that carrying guns out in public manner like that is completley wrong. I think that Arenas lawyer is also wrong, Arenas is not a good role model, and kids should not be looking up to someone who threats others with weapons. I hope that Arenas does go to jail for this because he deserves it for his stupidity. Overall, kids shouldn't be looking up to him in the NBA.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Texas lawmaker: I yelled 'It's a baby killer'

Texas Rep. Randy Neugebauer admitted to calling out "baby killer" during the chamber's debate Sunday night on the health care reform bill. He apologized Monday for his outburst. He says that he said "its a baby killer" in reference to the last-minute deal between Michigan Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak and the White House that secured the support of Stupak and other anti-abortion Democrats for the health care bill. His interruption occurred while Stupak was giving a speech. Neugebauer says, "The House Chamber is a place of decorum and respect. The timing and tone of my comment last night was inappropriate." This incident is similar to Rep. Joe Wilsons outburst during Obama's health care speech in September.

I think that Randy Neugebauer's comment was unneccesary. Like he said, it was the wrong place and time for the comment, and that the House Chamber is a place of respect. He could have held in his comment instead of drawing nationwide attention to himself. What he did was prety rude and embarrasing on his part. However, I appreciate his apologies and I think that they are very sincere and meaningfull. I can understand how heated a subject can get and sometimes people say things that they don't honestly mean and wish they could take back what they said. Neugebauer's comment was kind of understandable, but he really needs to learn how to control his anger and outbursts. Overall, his comment was disrespectful and unappropriate.

Randy Neugebauer

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Racial Comment in Wal-Mart

In Atlantic County, New Jersey, police arrested a sixteen year old boy for making an inappropriate racial comment in a Wal-Mart store. Apparently the sixteen year old boy got access to the public-address system(the intercom) and said, "All blacks need to leave the store." The store management then contacted police for investigation. The boy was arrested on bias intimidation and harassment charges. The Wal-Mart company "is just as appalled as anyone" according to Wal-Mart corporate spokesman Lorenzo Lopez. Wal-Mart is now limiting the public address system to smaller amounts of in-store telephones.

I think that it is so sad that someone would come in over the intercom and say something like that for everyone in the store to hear. It really is unacceptable, however it still goes to show that there is still racism in our country yet today. Racism is still a very big issue and there are still acts of discrimination this day and age. This article made me open my eyes a little more because it made me realize how discriminatory some people in our country still are today. I guess I just wouldn't expect something like this to happen. Even though our country has come a long ways in not descriminating as much (having a black president), there are still people out there where race and discrimination is a factor. I think that what that teenage boy did was a shame, and he had no reason for his actions. It is truely sad that a boy so young could have that much hatred towards black people. It really is unacceptable.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Fast food chains face tomato famine

A winter freeze that ruins Florida's tomato supply has many fast food restaurants scrambling to find another tomato source. 60% to 70% of Florida's tomato crop was destroyed, and Florida produces 75% of U.S. tomatoes. Because of this shortage of tomatoes, prices have increased dramatically. Fast food chains are now looking elsewhere for their tomato source like Mexico and California. Wendy's is only putting tomatoes on burgers and sandwiches upon request. Other restaurants are cutting tomatoes from the menu all around.

It it really a shame that Florida has had a freeze the last couple a weeks, which has destroyed the tomato crop. It is unusual to have that low of temperatures for Florida, and is bad for much of the agriculture there. I don't think the tomatoes will have a very huge impact on fast food restaurants. Even though the burgers will be tomato- less for awhile, I don't think that people going to stop going to the fast food restaurants. I think that people will be very understanding. Hopefully, many of the fast food restaurants will be able to find other sources for their tomatoes. This will be a great opportunity for Mexico and California's agriculture industry to make more profit.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rapper Lil' Wayne sentenced to one year

At Manhattan Supreme Court on Monday, rapper Lil' Wayne was sentenced to one year in prison. He was arrested for having a .40- caliber pistol on his tour bus. The charges stem from his arrest in 2007 outside New York City's Beacon Theater. Lil' Wayne's sentencing was delayed twice, once for dental work, and the other because of a fire at the Manhattan courthouse. Lil' Wayne, legal name Dwayne Carter, also faces felony charges for drug and weapon possessions in Arizona. His latest album, "Rebirth", was released last month.

I am a big fan of Lil' Wayne's music and I am really disappointed that he is going to prison for a year. I don't understand the meaning behind his actions. It is hard to believe that a sucessful artist like him would be going to prision for such stupid actions on his part. Despite his actions, I don't forsee Lil' Wayne losing many of his fans. I think that he let down some people, but I think that many people will still listen to his music, and will be looking forward to his release from prison in a year. I really hope that Lil' Wayne will learn from his mistakes because I would hate to see him in prision again. He has too much talent to be sitting in prison, and his fans love him and want him to keep producing new songs.

Lil Wayne

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Social Insecurity

1. As the "baby boomers" prepare to retire, the Social Security Program will soon be spending more money than it takes in, and our generation will be paying taxes for Social Security that we will never even get the benefits from. The Social Security Program is going bankrupt. This needs to be fixed. President Bush proposed having Americans direct their Social Security payroll contributions to private investment accounts, or Privatization of the system and cutting benefits for everyone but the Americans who are truly in need, however others are not willing to take those drastic measures. Some think that the Social Security program currently runs a surplus and satisfies many people. On the others think that Social Security can be saved by raising the cap on earning that can be taxed for Social Security(90,000 currently) and raising the retirement age over time.

2. I believe that the Americans should direct their Social Security payroll contributions to private investment accounts. With Private Investment accounts or personal retirement accounts, people would be guaranteed that they would receive the money that they invested when they retire . "Those beneficiaries whose PRAs have a higher return can share in that return, which reduces the burden on the SSI fund, and the principal balance is fully inheritable", says Alexander. I also think that some of the Social Security benefits should be cut from the people that don't need it. There are many wealthy people that don't need Social Security and that can live just fine without it. This could be a step in trying to save some of the Social Security money for our generation. I also think that our generation shouldn't depend on government alone to give us Social Security. It is not guarenteed to be there for us. We need to start investing our money now so that we can retire at a decent age with enough money without relieing on government decisions.

Article link:


Issue #1 War Dollars-

Issue #2 Spending What We Can Afford-

In women's hockey, domination is cause for concern

As the Canadian and U.S. women' s hockey team dominate the Winter Olympic games with scores like 18-0, 10-1, 13-1, people are concerned that women's hockey will soon no longer exist as an Olympic sport. There reasoning for this; why should national hockey teams compete with each other if two teams continue to dominate the games. The U.S. and Canada are so far ahead and much more advanced than the other countries and also have many more player to choose from. Hockey journalists are concerned that the other nations will never catch up to the level that the U.S. and Canada play at. Despite the blowouts, U.S. coach Mark Johnson says that they are just living the Olympic dream. Canadian coach Melody Davidson said, "We didn't come here to put on a second-class show. We came here to play our best."

I think that the U.S. and Canadian teams are major powerhouses, and will probably always dominate the Olympics, but I think that over time, the other nations will catch up as their girls' programs develop. I don't think that they should take womens hockey out of the Olympics because womens hockey has been growing and I think that the other nations will catch on and really try to advance their programs by playing year round and having elite leagues so that they can develop good players to represent their counry. I could see womens hockey being taken out for a few Winter Olympics, but then I think that they would just put it back in after other countries developed more, but I think there is really no point of them taking it out.

U.S. team members celebrate a goal during a preliminary game.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Can Olympic skiing be made safer?

Although downhill skiing may be entertaining to watch at the Olympics, the sport is actually very dangerous and has caused many injuries. It has even caused death to 2009 downhill champ Canadian John Kucera and French slalom star Jean-Baptiste Grange. With the newest technology in ski gear, the racers have been able to go faster that ever before, causing even more injuries. The International Ski Federation is trying to make downhill skiing safer by making smaller jumps and new gates with flags that rip way upon contact.

I think that it is good that the International Ski Federation is trying to make downhill skiing a little safer to try and prevent more injuries and deaths. I think that they shouldn't change too much about it because it would take away from the sport dramatically. Obviously the athletes that compete in this sport know that it is super dangerous, and yet they are still willing to sacrifice their bodies for the sport. If the athletes did not want to risk injury, then they would not participate in the sport. Therefore, I think that it is okay to make some minor changes in the sport of downhill skiing so that not as many injuries happen that could cost someone their whole season, but I think it is important that some of the same traditions of downhill skiing should stay in tact so that it is still enjoyable for the world to watch at the Olympics.

Lindsey Vonn crashes during the Audi FIS Alpine Ski World Cup Women's Giant Slalom in December.